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Click here to learn "7 Easy Ways to Leave a Legacy"

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  (206) 397-0005


Legacy Giving

Legacy - older to younger with sproutlin

The Legacy Society is a group of individuals who have included Hebrew Free Loan Association in their estate plans to help build a permanent financial base for the agency.


These legacy gifts ensure that we can continue responding to the ever-changing needs of our Jewish community for generations to come, just as we have for over 100 years.

By joining the Legacy Society, you make it possible for us to recognize your generosity during your lifetime, and you inspire others to include Hebrew Free Loan in their estate plans.

Ways to Give

A simple bequest in your will or living trust is the most common way to give.


A bequest can be made for a specific amount, for a percentage of your estate, or for all or a portion of what is left after you have made bequests to your family.

You can also name Hebrew Free Loan as a beneficiary of a retirement plan or life insurance policy.

To discuss your planned giving options, please contact Maura Roberts, at or (206) 397-0005.

Click here for our legacy intent form, a simple way to get started.

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Hebrew Free Loan Association of Washington State
P.O. Box 141
Mercer Island, WA  98040
(206) 397-0005

HFLA is a 501(c)3 organization
Your donations are tax deductible
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