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Student Access Fund (SAF)

Frequently Asked Questions

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  • How do I apply for a Loan?
    To apply for a SAF loan complete a SAF application along with the requested documentation. Have your guarantors complete their Guarantor applications. HFLA is automatically notified when the applications are received.
  • How will I know if my loan is approved?
    We will contact you shortly after your interview to let you know the loan decision. HFLA makes every attempt to help our SAF applicants. Most applicants are accepted.
  • What documentation do I need to submit for a completed application?
    The SAF Information and Application page lists the eligibility requirements. We don't list them here because they may change from year to year.
  • Can I apply for more than one loan?
    You can apply for one loan at a time. Once your loan is fully repaid, you are eligible to apply for another loan.
  • I have sibilings, can they apply for SAF loans if I already have one?"
    You and your sibling may each apply for a SAF loan.
  • Does the loan program apply to graduate school?
    Yes, graduate students are eligible for SAF loans.
  • What if I want to study abroad?
    You may use a SAF Loan to study at an accredited institution of higher learning in England and Israel. Study in other countries will be decided on a case-by-case basis.
  • How many guarantors do I need for a SAF loan?
    HFLA requires two guarantors for a SAF loan. A married couple serves as one guarantor. Often a grandparent, another relative or a good family friend serves as the second guarantor. If you are having trouble finding a second guarantor, contact the office. We help applicants find guarantors all the time! (206) 397-0005 or As a reminder, always check the SAF Information and Application page for the most current information
  • Why does HFLA require Guarantors?
    HFLA requires guarantors to guarantee repayment if the student is unable to fully repay the loan.
  • Does HFLA do a credit check on Guarantors?
    At this time HFLA is not doing a hard nor soft credit checks on guarantors.
  • How long is the loan interview?
    A Student Access Fund interview is generally short, we try to finish within 20 - 30 minutes. It is one of our favorite parts of this work to meet the new cohort of students.
  • Do I have to interview in person?
    The interview can be done in person or virtually.
  • Do I have to repay while I'm in school?
    Yes. While you're in school HFLA asks you to pay a small $50 per month. By the time you graduate, you will be closer to paying it off.
  • How long is the loan repayment period?
    The repayment periods are based on the number of years you'll be in school. The repayments last from 5 - 7 years. The repayment schedules can be downloaded on the SAF Information page.
  • Where can I find the repayment schedules?
    The repayment schedules are posted on the SAF Info & Applicaiton page. You can download them.
  • What's the best way to make a payment?
    We want our borrowers to repay without incurring fees. At this time the most efficient method is to use Zelle. Zelle is an easy, secure way to send money directly between U.S. banks. Contact our office to learn how to use Zelle to make your payments. Other payment options are to use PayPal or your bank's bill pay application. We discourage using PayPal because it takes a fee from your payment, reducing the amount applied to your loan. HFLA cannot absorb the PayPal fees. At this time, Zelle is the most efficient payment method and we ask you to use it. Contact the office if you have questions: 206.397.0005, or
  • Does HFLA pull payments from my bank account?
    HFLA does not pull payments automatically from your bank account. You will setup automatic payments to be made to HFLA. We encourage you to make payments through the Zelle electronic banking system.
  • What if my bank or credit union doesn't support Zelle?
    The network of Zelle participating financial institutions is growing. It's likely your institution supports Zelle. For mobile banking Zelle provides an app for Android and iOS. If your bank does not support Zelle, then we encourage you to setup automatic payments through BillPay.
  • When I graduate do my monthly repayment amounts increase?
    Yes, 6 months after graduation, repayment amounts increase. HFLA tries to keep repayments below $200 per month so as not to overburden borrowers. Check the repayment schedules listed on the SAF Information and Application page. ( Repayment schedules can be downloaded for your convenience.
  • What happens if I miss a payment?
    Contact the office if you miss a payment. We understand things happen, be in touch to let us know of your circumstances. 206.397.0005
  • What if I'm unable to make my payments?
    If you're having a medical crisis or a period of unemployment, contact the office. We will work with you to modify the payment and discuss deferrment until your situation improves. 206.397.0005
  • What happens if I have to leave school because my finances have changed?
    Whenever your finances change to a degree as to affect your loan repayments, contact the office for remediation. We will work wtih you. 206.397.0005
  • When is the loan money distributed?
    Refer to the SAF Info & Application page for the estimated date the funds will be released. Each year the dates may moderately shift., or call (206) 397-0005
  • Where is the loan check sent?
    HFLA will send the loan check directly to you to use for education expenses such as tuition, school fees, housing, food, equipment, travel to school and home, and books. Expenses related to attending school are covered by this loan.
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Can't find the answer you're looking for?

Contact our office


Hebrew Free Loan Association of Washington State
P.O. Box 141
Mercer Island, WA  98040
(206) 397-0005

HFLA is a 501(c)3 organization
Your donations are tax deductible
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